The village that located around 6 kilometer from the closest city Bangli or 1 kilometer from Kubu village has 700 populations by the last census 1999 by the number of the head family 192.

Pengelipuran village is a traditional village which has their own character, belong to the District Kubu - Sub-district Kubu and Bangli regency. The beauty of the village and the surrounding act that the Pengelipuran village is untouchable village by the modernization era. Supported by the fresh air by the height 700 meter above the sea level, give the comfortable for the villagers and visitors. The surrounded villages are Desa Khayan, Desa Gunaksa, Desa Kubu and Desa Ceking.

The village which is consists of one Village and one smaller village, administratively is very easy to adjust. The number of the Village and smaller village is the same.

The name of the Pengelipuran village according to the mythology from the old people from Pengelipuran village came from “Pengeling Pura” (remember with the temple), it means that remember with the ancestors. This mythology is connected with the movement of their ancestor from Bayung Gede village at Kintamani area to Pengelipuran village. To respect their ancestor at Bayung Gede that is why at Pengelipuran village as well built the same kind of the temple such as ; Pura Bale Agung, Pura Puseh, Pura Dalem , dan Pura Dukuh . The four temples until now is still respecting by the villagers. Their sense of belonging and their respecting to the ancestors is the meaning of the four temples they built.

Pengelipuran Heroes Monument This memorials lies in the southern part of pengelipuran village covering an area of 1, 5 hectares with Balinese styles. Its Curayudha Hall is a venue for certain activities, which is equipped with parking area.

The memorial was built in 1959, dedicated to the revolution war in Bangli led by Captain Anak-Agung Mudita with his troops. The monument aims to remind people of the struggle of captain Anak-Agung Anom Muditha and his troops who were dead in facing NICA (Dutch Troops) during the revolution time.

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